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Commando 2012 Pension Scheme (PO-22695)

Complainant: Mr R
Complaint Topic: Transfers: general
Ref: PO-22695
Outcome: Upheld
Respondent: 1. LD Administration Ltd (Liddell Dunbar)
2. The Trustee of the Commando 2012 Pension Scheme (Mr Garner)
Type: Pension complaint or dispute

Ombudsman’s Determination

Complaint Summary

Mr R has complained that Mr Garner and Liddell Dunbar have delayed the transfer of his pension benefits in the Scheme and that the transfer has not been made. Mr R has also claimed consequential losses as a result of the delay.

Summary of the Ombudsman’s Determination and reasons

The complaint shall be upheld against Mr Garner because he has failed to pay the transfer payment within the statutory timeframe. Furthermore, Mr R has suffered an exceptional level of distress and inconvenience due to the delay and has incurred additional expenses for which he should be reimbursed.

The complaint shall be upheld against Liddell Dunbar relating to maladministration on its part, for its failure to provide copies of annual reports or members’ annual benefit statements.

View determination


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