Case studies
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Ms N was a member of the Tesla Motors Limited Pension Scheme. Ms N raised a complaint because her employer had failed to pay employee and employer contributions into the Scheme.
Mr S worked for Border Steelwork Structures Limited (BSSL). Mr S intended to retire in June 2018 but was unable to do so as his pension issues were not resolved.
Mr D was a member of the Shell Contributory Pension Fund. In 2016, Mr D began exploring how the trustee of the Fund was measuring and managing the potential risk of climate change. Mr D was given the opportunity to meet with the trustee, but the meeting did not eradicate his concerns.
Ms R is a member of a small self-administered pension scheme. In 2014, Ms R transferred the benefits she had in a previous employer’s pension scheme to the SSAS. Ms R took a tax-free cash sum from the transfer amount and invested the remainder in Bitcoins.
In January 2017, Mr N applied to NHS Pensions for early payment of his deferred benefits on the grounds that he was suffering from chronic depression and anxiety.
Mr N had appealed the decision of the Board of the PPF to reduce his FAS benefits going forward. He also believed that some elements of his pension benefits were omitted from the FAS calculations and as a result, his asset share was affected.
Mr T worked for Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (the Authority). The Authority introduced the Day Crewing Plus (DCP) system as a non-pensionable allowance, equivalent to 32% of basic salary, in April 2010, in agreement with Fire Brigades Union (FBU).
Mr H complained that South Tyneside Council incorrectly awarded him Tier 2 ill health early retirement benefits. He said he was entitled to (more generous) Tier 1 IHER benefits.
Miss M contacted us after being refused ill health retirement. She was confused by the ill health retirement process under her pension scheme and did not fully understand the Scheme administrator’s correspondence.
Mr A was in receipt of an ill health pension after a cancer diagnosis in 2014.
Mrs S was a member of the HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme. She retired on the grounds of incapacity in 1999 and had been in receipt of a pension. The pension was subject to periodic review, and Mrs S was notified that her pension would be reduced.
Ms H was refused an ill health retirement pension and approached us for help.