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Ombuds Day 2022


Today marks the fifth annual Ombuds Day; where Ombuds Services across the UK and Ireland are celebrating their work and increasing awareness of the profession. The theme this year is ‘Resilience, Respect, Resolve’.

Anthony Arter, Pensions Ombudsman said:

“It only seems like yesterday when the Ombudsman Association held its last ‘Ombuds Day’ campaign in 2021, but we are delighted to participate again this year. The theme is ‘Resilience, Respect, Resolve’, which is very apt given the pandemic and financial difficulties many people are already facing, with the likelihood that many more will also find life much more difficult in 2023. Given the current financial situation it is even more important that we have a well-supported ombudsman service across all sectors to help the public be resilient in providing a free service, to help them resolve their particular issue. The individual may be stressed and not know which way to turn. It is important that all are treated with respect. At The Pensions Ombudsman, we provide an accessible, free and impartial service for people who have been unable to resolve their issue with the respondent and to help them to settle their dispute. We ensure all those who come to us are treated with the upmost respect.”

The Pensions Ombudsman is unique compared to other Ombuds Services in the UK. We are the only organisation whose powers are equivalent to a court. This means that the Pensions Ombudsman’s Determinations are legally binding.

We are also the only Ombuds Service with volunteers. We currently have almost 200 volunteers. If you are interested in joining, you can apply by completing our online application form.

You can find out more about Ombuds Day by looking on the International Ombuds Association web page.

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