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Celebrity Global Holdings Ltd Pension Scheme (CAS-41447-J2T2)

Complainant: ​Mrs S
Complaint Topic: Contributions: failure to pay into scheme
Ref: CAS-41447-J2T2
Outcome: Upheld
Appeal outcome: None
Respondent: Celebrity Global Holdings Ltd
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Mrs S’ complaint is upheld and to put matters right the Employer shall pay missing contributions totalling £3,020.83, plus interest to her pension plan.

Complaint summary

Mrs S was an employee of the Employer. Her position is that she has a legally binding employment contract which states that the Employer will pay 10% of her salary into a pension arrangement. However, whenever she broached the subject with the Employer, it refused to set up a pension or make any pension contributions.

View determination


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