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Carney Limited Retirement Benefits Scheme (PO-12153)

Complainant: Ms S
Complaint Topic: Transfers: general
Ref: PO-12153
Outcome: Upheld
Respondent: 1. Mr Ian McPhail, the Trustee of the Carney Limited Retirement Benefits
Scheme (the Trustee);
2. Pension Matters Associates Ltd (Pension Matters);
3. Disruptive Tech Ltd now known as DTL (UK) Limited (DTL).
Type: Pension complaint or dispute

Ombudsman’s Determination


Ms S’ complaint is upheld and to put matters right the Trustee and DTL should provide a full response to the questions raised by Ms S, and pay her £1,000 each to reflect the significant distress and inconvenience caused to her by their maladministration. If Ms S wishes to exercise her statutory right to a transfer value from the Scheme to a named pension arrangement that is willing to accept it, the Trustee and DTL should pay a transfer value to that arrangement.

Pension Matters are no longer in business so I make no finding or directions against it.

My reasons for reaching this decision are explained in more detail below.

Complaint summary

Ms S complains that the Trustee, Pensions Matters and DTL have all failed to respond to her enquiries about the Scheme, leaving her unable to plan for her future and exercise her transfer rights.

View determination


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