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LF Stakeholder Pension Scheme (PO-28593)

Complainant: The Estate of Mr D
Complaint Topic: Death benefits
Ref: PO-28593
Outcome: Upheld
Respondent: Link Fund Solutions Limited
Type: Pension complaint or dispute

Ombudsman’s Determination


The complaint is upheld and to put matters right, Link shall reconsider its decision on the distribution of the lump sum death benefit.

Complaint summary

Mrs S, in her capacity as a co-executrix of the Estate of Mr D (the Estate), has complained that Link has failed to exercise its discretion correctly in distributing the lump sum death benefit from the Scheme. Mrs S says that Mr D’s Will stipulated that any benefits due to his children should be held on trust for them until they reach age 21. She says the lump sum death benefit from the Scheme should have been paid to the Estate for the benefit of Mr D’s children.

View determination


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